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HP System Management Homepage: Installation Guide > Chapter 7 Installing HP SMH using the HP Smart-Update Manager (HPSUM)

To preconfigure the HP SMH component:


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  1. From the Welcome to the Configuration Wizard for the HP System Management Homepage Component page, click Next. The Operating Systems Groups page appears.

  2. In the Group Name field, enter the name of an operating system group that you want to assign (for example, vcadmin).

  3. In the Operating Level field, select the appropriate level for the new group from the dropdown list.

    Note: The default Administrators Groups always have administrative access.

  4. Click Add to assign the group. The new group appears under the operating system group to which it was assigned.

    Note: You can add up to five entries per operating system group.

  5. Click Next. You can click Save to save your changes up to this point or click Cancel to discard the changes and close the wizard.

  6. Select one of the following options:

    • Anonymous Access  Anonymous Access is disabled by default. Enabling Anonymous Access enables a user to access the HP System Management Homepage without logging in. Select this option to allow anonymous access.

      Caution: HP does not recommend the use of anonymous access.

    • Local Access  Local Access is disabled by default. Enabling Local Access enables a user to locally gain access to the HP System Management Homepage without being challenged for authentication, which means that any user with access to the local console is granted full access if Administrator is selected. If Anonymous is selected, any local user has access limited to unsecured pages without being challenged for a user name and password.

      Caution: HP does not recommend the use of local access unless your management server software enables it.

  7. Click Next. You can click Save to save your changes up to this point, or click Cancel to discard the changes and close the wizard.

  8. Select one of the following Trust Mode security options:

    • Trust by Certificate  Sets the HP System Management Homepage to accept configuration changes only from HP SIM servers with trusted certificates. This mode requires the submitted server to provide authentication by means of certificates. This mode is the strongest method of security because it requires certificate data and verifies the digital signature before allowing access. If you do not want to enable any remote configuration changes, leave Trust by Certificate selected, and leave the list of trusted systems empty by avoiding importing any certificates.

      NOTE: HP strongly recommends using this option because it is more secure.

      To trust by certificate:

      1. Select Trust by Certificate, and click Next.

      2. In the Certificate Name field, click Browse to select the certificate file. After the certificate file is selected, the certificate data appears on the screen.

      3. Click Add. The certificate appears under Certificate Files. You can click Save to save your changes up to this point or click Cancel to discard the changes and close the wizard.

      4. Click Next. The IP Binding page appears.

    • Trust by Name  Sets the HP System Management Homepage to accept certain configuration changes only from servers with the HP SIM certificate names designated in the Trust By Name field. The Trust By Name option is easy to configure. For example, you might use the Trust By Name option if you have a secure network with two separate groups of administrators in two separate divisions. It prevents one group from installing software to the wrong system. This option verifies only the HP SIM server's certificate name submitted.

      NOTE: HP strongly recommends using the Trust by Certificate option because the other options are less secure.

      The server name option must meet the following criteria:

      • Each server's certificate name must be less than 64 characters.

      • The overall length of the server's certificate name list is 1,024 characters.

      • Special characters must not be included as part of the server's certificate name: ~ ' ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + = \ ": ' < > ? , | .

      • Semicolons are used to separate server's certificate names.

      To trust by name:

      1. Select Trust by Name, and click Next.

      2. In the Trusted Server Name field, enter the HP SIM server's certificate name to be trusted.

      3. Click Add. The trusted HP SIM server's certificate name appears under the Trusted Servers list. You can click Save to save your changes up to this point or click Cancel to discard the changes and close the wizard.

      4. Click Next. The IP Binding page appears.

    • Trust All  Sets the HP System Management Homepage to accept certain configuration changes from any system.

      NOTE: HP strongly recommends using the Trust by Certificate option because the other options are less secure.

      To trust all servers:

      1. Select Trust All. You can click Save to save your changes up to this point or click Cancel to discard the changes and close the wizard.

      2. Click Next. The IP Binding page appears.

  9. IP Binding specifies from which IP addresses the HP System Management Homepage accepts requests and provides control over which nets and subnets requests are processed.

    Administrators can configure the HP System Management Homepage to only bind to addresses specified in the IP Binding page. A maximum of five subnet IP addresses and netmasks can be defined.

    An IP address on the server is bound if it matches one of the entered IP Binding addresses after the mask is applied.

    NOTE: The HP System Management Homepage always binds to If IP Binding is enabled and no subnet/mask pairs are configured, then the HP System Management Homepage is only available to If IP Binding is not enabled, you bind to all addresses.

    To configure IP Binding:

    1. Select IP Binding. The IP Binding page appears.

    2. Enter the IP address.

    3. Enter the netmask.

    4. Click Add. The IP binding configuration is saved and appears under the IP Binding List.

    5. Click Next. The IP Restricted Login page appears.

  10. The IP Restricted Login enables the HP System Management Homepage to restrict login access based on the IP address of a system.

    You can set address restriction at installation time or by it can be set by administrators from the IP Restricted Login page

    • If an IP address is excluded, it is excluded even if it is also listed in the included box.

    • If there are IP addresses in the inclusion list, then only those IP addresses are allowed login access with the exception of localhost.

    • If no IP addresses are in the inclusion list, then login access is allowed to any IP addresses not in the exclusion list.

    To include or exclude IP addresses:

    1. In the From field, enter the IP addresses to include or exclude. You can enter an IP address range to be included or excluded by entering a beginning IP address in the From field and an ending IP address in the To field.

    2. From the Type field, select Include or Exclude.

    3. Click Add to add the IP address or IP address range to the Inclusion List or Exclusion List.

    4. Click Save. The HP System Management Homepage Login page for the HP System Management Homepage system appears.

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