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nPartition Administrator's Guide > Chapter 5 Booting and Resetting nPartitions

Finding Bootable Devices


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You can find bootable devices by using any one of the following procedures:

Procedure 5-3 Finding Bootable Devices (BCH Menu)

From the BCH Main Menu, issue the SEARCH command to find bootable devices. The BCH Menu is available only on HP 9000 systems.

  1. Access the BCH Main Menu for the nPartition whose bootable devices you want to list.

    Login to the service processor (MP or GSP) and enter CO to access the Console list. Select the nPartition console. When accessing the console, confirm that you are at the BCH Main Menu (the Main Menu: Enter command or menu> prompt). If at a BCH menu other than the Main Menu, then enter MA to return to the BCH Main Menu.

  2. From the BCH Main Menu, issue the SEARCH command to find and list bootable devices in the nPartition.

    The SEARCH command reports all potential boot devices it locates.

    ---- Main Menu --------------------------------------------------------------- Command Description ------- ----------- BOot [PRI|HAA|ALT|<path>] Boot from specified path PAth [PRI|HAA|ALT] [<path>] Display or modify a path SEArch [ALL|<path>] Search for boot devices ScRoll [ON|OFF] Display or change scrolling capability COnfiguration menu Displays or sets boot values INformation menu Displays hardware information SERvice menu Displays service commands DIsplay Redisplay the current menu HElp [<menu>|<command>] Display help for menu or command REBOOT Restart Partition RECONFIGRESET Reset to allow Reconfig Complex Profile ---- Main Menu: Enter command or menu > SEARCH Searching for potential boot device(s) This may take several minutes. To discontinue search, press any key (termination may not be immediate). Path# Device Path (dec) Device Type ----- ----------------- ----------- P0 0/0/1/0/0.15 Random access media P1 0/0/1/0/0.12 Random access media P2 0/0/1/0/0.11 Random access media P3 0/0/1/0/0.9 Random access media P4 0/0/1/0/0.8 Random access media P5 0/0/1/0/0.6 Random access media Main Menu: Enter command or menu >

    The SEARCH command lists up to the first 20 potential boot devices that it locates, and lists each with a path number (P0 through P19).

    To boot a device that was reported by the SEARCH command, specify the path number or the full device path. For example, BOOT P0 would boot the path listed as path number P0.

  3. Exit the console and service processor interfaces if finished using them.

    To exit the BCH environment type ^B (Control-B); this exits the nPartition console and returns to the service processor Main Menu. To exit the service processor, type X at the Main Menu.

Procedure 5-4 Finding Bootable Devices (EFI Shell)

From the EFI Shell environment, issue the map command to list bootable devices. The EFI Shell is available only on HP Integrity systems.

  1. Access the EFI Shell environment for the nPartition whose bootable devices you want to list.

    Login to the service processor (MP or GSP) and enter CO to access the Console list. Select the nPartition console.

    When accessing the console, confirm that you are at the EFI Boot Manager menu (the main EFI menu). If at another EFI menu, select the Exit option from the sub-menus until you return to the screen with the EFI Boot Manager heading.

    From the EFI Boot Manager menu, select the EFI Shell menu option to access the EFI Shell environment.

  2. At the EFI Shell, issue the map command to list all disk devices with a potentially bootable EFI System Partition.

    For details see the help map command. Also see the help search command for details on using the search command to load drivers for bootable devices.

  3. Exit the console and service processor interfaces if finished using them.

    To exit the EFI environment type ^B (Control-B); this exits the nPartition console and returns to the service processor Main Menu. To exit the service processor, type X at the Main Menu.

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