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HP-UX Reference > Part I Section 1: User Commands



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pack(1) - compress and expand files using Huffman code
page(1) - file perusal filter for screen viewing — see more(1)
parstatus(1) - display information about a hardware partitionable complex
passwd(1) - change login password and associated attributes
paste(1) - merge same lines of several files or subsequent lines of one file
patch(1) - program to apply a diff file to an original file
pathalias(1) - electronic address router
pathchk(1) - check path names
pax(1) - extracts, writes, and lists archive files; copies files and directory hierarchies
pcat(1) - compress and expand files using Huffman code — see pack(1)
pdp11(1) - provide truth value about processor type — see machid(1)
pfiles(1) - displays process address information and open file descriptors — see pmap(1)
pg(1) - file perusal filter for soft-copy terminals
pgrep(1) - search or kill processes based on process name and attributes
pipcrm(1) - remove a POSIX message queue or a POSIX named semaphore
pipcs(1) - report status of POSIX interprocess communication facilities
pkill(1) - search or kill processes based on process name and attributes — see pgrep(1)
pldd(1) - list the dynamic libraries linked into each process, including shared objects explicitly attached using dlopen()/shl_load()
plotdvr(1) - filters invoked by lp interface scripts — see lpfilter(1)
pmap(1) - displays process address information and open file descriptors
ppl(1) - PPP point to point protocal daemon — see pppd(1)
ppp(1) - PPP point to point protocal daemon — see pppd(1)
pppd(1) - PPP point to point protocal daemon
pppoec(1) - PPPoE (Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet) client
pr(1) - print files
praliases(1) - print system-wide sendmail aliases
prealloc(1) - preallocate disk storage
primes(1) - factor a number, generate large primes — see factor(1)
printenv(1) - print out the environment
printf(1) - format and print arguments
printstat(1) - filters invoked by lp interface scripts — see lpfilter(1)
privatepw(1) - change WU-FTPD group access file information
prmail(1) - print out mail in the incoming mailbox file
prof(1) - display profile data
prs(1) - print and summarize an SCCS file
ps(1) - report process status
pstack(1) - print a stack trace for each LWP in each process and core file
ptree(1) - prints the process tree hierarchy
ptx(1) - permuted index
pty(1) - get the name of the terminal — see tty(1)
pwd(1) - working directory name
pwget(1) - get password and group information
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