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HP-UX Reference > Part IV Section 3: Library Functions



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valloc(3C) - main memory allocator — see malloc(3C)
vfprintf(3S) - print formatted output of a varargs argument list — see vprintf(3S)
vfscanf(3S) - formatted input conversion to a varargs argument list, read from stream file — see vscanf(3S)
vfwprintf(3C) - wide-character formatted output of a stdarg argument list — see vwprintf(3C)
vfwscanf(3S) - convert formatted wide-character input of a stdarg argument list — see vwscanf(3S)
vid_attr(3X) - output attributes to the terminal — see vidattr(3X)
vid_puts(3X) - output attributes to the terminal — see vidattr(3X)
vidattr(3X) - output attributes to the terminal
vidputs(3X) - output attributes to the terminal — see vidattr(3X)
vline(3X) - draw lines from single-byte characters and renditions — see hline(3X)
vline_set(3X) - draw lines from complex characters and renditions — see hline_set(3X)
vpfmt(3C) - display message in standard format — see pfmt(3C)
vprintf(3S) - print formatted output of a varargs argument list
vscanf(3S) - formatted input conversion to a varargs argument list, read from stream file
vsnprintf(3S) - print formatted output of a varargs argument list — see vprintf(3S)
vsprintf(3S) - print formatted output of a varargs argument list — see vprintf(3S)
vsscanf(3S) - formatted input conversion to a varargs argument list, read from stream file — see vscanf(3S)
vswprintf(3C) - wide-character formatted output of a stdarg argument list — see vwprintf(3C)
vswscanf(3S) - convert formatted wide-character input of a stdarg argument list — see vwscanf(3S)
vw_printw(3X) - print formatted output in window (TO BE WITHDRAWN)
vw_scanw(3X) - convert formatted input from a window (TO BE WITHDRAWN)
vwprintf(3C) - wide-character formatted output of a stdarg argument list
vwprintw(3X) - print formatted output in window
vwscanf(3S) - convert formatted wide-character input of a stdarg argument list
vwscanw(3X) - convert formatted input from a window
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