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hpvmresources — Specifying virtual storage and virtual network devices.


Virtual resource specification


Use the hpvmcreate, hpvmclone, and hpvmmodify commands to specify storage devices and vswitches for guests. To specify the name of the storage device or vswitch, use the syntax described here.

The resource specification contains the virtual device information and the backing store information, separated by a colon (:). The resource specification can be used to define a virtual storage device or a virtual network device.

Specifying Storage Devices

For storage devices, enter the resource specification in the following format:


If you omit any part of the resource specification, you must include the colon (:) character as the field delimiter.

The guest virtual device information consists of the following fields, separated by colons:

  • devicetype (virtual device type):

    • disk

    • dvd

    • tape

    • changer

    • burner

  • adaptertype (virtual device adapter type): scsi or avio_stor.

    NOTE: You can specify avio_stor only with disk or dvd device types.

  • bus, device, target (virtual device hardware address) (optional):

    The virtual device hardware address consists of three fields, separated by commas:

    • bus (the virtual device PCI bus number)

    • device (the virtual device PCI slot number)

    • target (the virtual device SCSI target number)

    If you do not specify the virtual device hardware address, it is generated automatically. If you specify a portion of the virtual device hardware address (for example, just the target), you must include the commas (for example, to specify just target 2, enter ,,2).

The physical device information consists of two fields, separated by a colon:

  • storage (physical storage type)

  • device (physical device)

The physical storage type and device specification can be one of the following:

  • disk. For the physical device, specify a disk device file (for example, /dev/rdisk/disk1).

  • lv. For the physical device, specify the LVM or VxVM character logical device file (for example, /dev/vg01/rlv0l2).

  • file. For the physical device, specify a locally mounted, non-NFS VxFS file (for example, /guestfiles/diskfile1).

  • null. Specify an empty storage unit. Do not specify a world-writable directory such as tmp. (This is useful for removable media, such as DVDs.)

    NOTE: When assigning a null device to a resource on a virtual machine, the file name serves as a placeholder. Therefore, you do not receive an error if the file does not exist. For example, in the following command, if the file XXX.iso does not exist, no error is given.
    # hpvmmodify -P vm1 -a disk:scsi::null"/opt/XXX.iso
  • attach. Specify an attached device, such as a tape device, media changer, or CD/DVD burner.

The physical device names must not contain the following characters: colon (:), semicolon (;), and comma (,).

The following example associates a guest virtual disk device with a physical disk device:

# disk:scsi::0,1,0:disk:/dev/rdisk/disk1
  • The virtual device type is disk.

  • The virtual device adapter type is scsi.

  • The virtual device PCI bus number is 0.

  • The virtual device PCI slot number is 1.

  • The virtual device SCSI target number is 0.

  • The physical storage type is disk.

  • The physical device is /dev/rdisk/disk1.

The following example associates an empty guest virtual DVD with multiple future choices of ISO files:

  • The virtual device type is dvd.

  • The virtual device adapter type is scsi.

  • The virtual device hardware address is automatically generated.

  • The physical storage type is null.

  • The physical device is /docs.

The following example specifies a tape device:


Specifying Network Devices

To associate a guest virtual network device with a virtual network switch (vswitch), use the following syntax. (Before you can associate the virtual network device to a virtual switch, you must create the vswitch using the hpvmnet command.)

The format of the rsrc parameter for network devices is:


If you omit any portion of the network resource specification, use the colon character (:) as a field delimiter.

The guest virtual network information consists of the following fields, separated by colons:

  • network

  • adaptertype (virtual device adapter type): lan , avio_lan

  • :bus,device,mac-addr (virtual network device hardware address) (optional)

    The virtual network device hardware address consists of three fields, separated by commas:

    • bus (the virtual network device PCI bus number)

    • device (the virtual network device PCI slot number)

    • mac-addr (the virtual network device MAC address, in either of the following formats: 0xaabbcc001122 or aa-bb-cc-00-11-22)

      The MAC address that you enter is checked to verify that it is unique, because the address cannot conflict with any of the VM Host's physical network adapter MAC addresses, and to verify that the proper bits are set. You can specify either the bus and device with the MAC address or the MAC address without the bus and device, or you can omit the entire hardware address. If you do not specify the virtual network device hardware address, or a portion of it, the missing information is generated automatically. If you specify only a portion of the virtual network device hardware address (for example, just the MAC address), include the commas (for example ,,aa-bb-cc-00-11-22).

The virtual switch information consists of the following fields, separated by a colon:

  • vswitch

  • vswitch-name (the name assigned to the virtual network switch)

  • portnumber (the number of the port on the vswitch)

The following example associates a guest virtual network device with a vswitch:

  • The guest virtual network device type is network.

  • The virtual adapter type is avio_lan.

  • The virtual PCI bus number is 0.

  • The virtual PCI slot number is 1.

  • The virtual MAC address is 02-02-03-04-05-06.

  • The physical network device type is vswitch.

  • The vswitch name is net1.


The hpvmresources command was developed by HP.


On the VM Host:

hpvm(5), hpvmclone(1M), hpvmcollect(1M), hpvmconsole(1M), hpvmcreate(1M), hpvmdevmgmt(1M), hpvmdevtranslate(1M), hpvmhostrdev(1M), hpvminfo(1M), hpvmmigrate(1M), hpvmmodify(1M), hpvmnet(1M), hpvmpubapi(3), hpvmremove(1M), hpvmsar(1M), hpvmstart(1M), hpvmstatus(1M), hpvmstop(1M), hpvmupgrade(1M), p2vassist(1M)

On the Integrity VM guest:

hpvmcollect(1M), hpvminfo(1M), hpvmmgmt(1M), hpvmpubapi(3)

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