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Distributed Systems Administration Utilities User's Guide > Chapter 2 Configuration Synchronization

Configuring cfengine


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The following sections provide detailed instructions for setting up a configuration synchronization master server and its clients. The quickest way to get started is to use the Configuration Synchronization Wizard (csync_wizard), described in the next section. Completely manual configurations are also described.

Configuring Synchronization Master (csync master) Server in Cross-Subnet Cluster Environments

In a cluster environment, if all the nodes are within the same subnet, then you can configure a server within that cluster environment as the csync master server.

However, in a cross-subnet cluster environment, the csync master server must be an external system, preferably a quorum server, outside the cross-subnet cluster. A cross-subnet cluster can be configured only as client, with an external system acting as the cfengine master. After you configure an external system as the csync master, you can configure the cross-subnet cluster nodes as cfengine managed clients.

Using the Configuration Synchronization Wizard

The csync_wizard (see csync_wizard(1)) automates the task of setting a configuration synchronization master server and its managed clients. It supports setting up a standalone system or a Serviceguard cluster as the master server. The wizard configures all managed clients to run a cfservd so that cfrun (see cfrun(8)) can be used on the master server.

When you run the csync_wizard on a cross-subnet cluster, the system displays a message indicating that the csync master must be an external system outside the cross-subnet cluster. Depending on whether the csync master is already configured, one of the following is possible:

  • If the csync master is already configured outside the cross-subnet cluster, the system displays the hostname or the IP address of the csync master.

  • If the csync master is not configured outside the cross-subnet cluster, then you must configure an external system, preferably a quorum server, as the csync master server and later proceed to run the csync_wizard on the cross-subnet cluster.

With the csync_wizard, you perform the following tasks:

  • Set up a master server

  • Add a client

  • Remove a client

  • Manage keys for cfengine clients

  • Display the current configuration

See the appropriate sections below for details. Table 2-1 lists the information you will need to gather before running the csync_wizard to set up the master server.

When running the wizard on a Serviceguard cluster, the default is to set up cfengine as a highly available service (Serviceguard package). The administrator must provision the storage environment for the package and the required package IP address and DNS name registration. The wizard supports LVM storage configurations. Non-LVM configurations must be completed manually. The package information that the wizard requires is given in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 Configuration Data for csync_wizard

Configuration DataExampleYour Value

LVM volume group


Logical volume


Filesystem mount point


Mount options

-o rw, largefiles


Filesystem type


Package IP Address (a registered DNS name) 

Package subnet 


NOTE: If you have used the wizard previously to configure a cfengine master server and rerun it to reconfigure the master server, stop the currently running configuration first. For example, use the following command to stop the running cfservd: /sbin/init.d/cfservd stop

If you have cfagent in cron or are using cfexed, disable them so they do not run while the wizard reconfigures the system.

Configuring a single node in a Serviceguard cluster as a master server is not a highly available configuration and is not recommended. The default configuration to create for a cluster is to create a package for cfengine’s cfservd. (To rerun the wizard in a Serviceguard cluster and change your configuration from one that is highly available to one that is not, halt the existing csync package (use cmhaltpkg) and delete it before running the wizard.)

Using the Wizard to Configure a Standalone Synchronization Server

To configure a synchronization server for a standalone system, run the csync_wizard(1) on the standalone system you wish to configure as the master synchronization server:

# /opt/dsau/sbin/csync_wizard

The wizard displays the following introductory screen:

Querying the system local_hostname for current status, one moment... This Configuration Synchronization Wizard (csync_wizard) helps you set up the Configuration Engine (cfengine) environment. Cfengine is a powerful tool for performing policy-based management for groups of systems and cluster environments. csync_wizard is a client/server based utility. With csync_wizard, the user can configure a standalone system or Serviceguard cluster as the cfengine “master”. The master contains the configuration description and configuration files that will be used by all the clients. Clients copy the configuration description from the master and apply it to themselves. The configuration description supports a rich set of management actions such as copying configuration files from the master to the client, performing edits to files, checking file ownerships, permissions, and checksums, executing shell commands, checking for processes, etc. For a detailed description of the cfengine management actions, please refer to the cfengine man page. The csync wizard helps you set up this system as a cfengine master, add or remove cfengine-managed clients, and perform the required security setup. Press “Enter” to continue...

Press Enter to continue; choose item 1 from the menu below to configure a master server:

 Configuration Synchronization Wizard Menu  =========================================  (1) Set up a cfengine master server  (2) Add a client  (3) Remove a client  (4) Manage keys for cfengine clients (5) Display current configuration (9) Exit
Enter choice: 1 The cfengine master server is being configured on: local_hostname

The wizard then asks if you would like to additionally configure managed clients immediately after configuring the server. For this example, answer no. Managed clients will be added later.

You can optionally specify additional remote clients to manage at this time. If you are running in an HA environment, you do not need to specify the cluster members. Would you like to manage clients? [N]: n

The wizard proceeds to configure the system as a master server:

******* WARNING!!!! ******** To protect against possible corruption of sensitive configuration files, control-c has been disabled for the remainder of this configuration. Configuration of the cfengine master server is starting. Configuration files have been saved at /var/opt/dsau/cfengine/backups
cfengine keys are being created... cfengine keys have been created, now distributing.... Verifying that the master has an entry in the /etc/hosts file on each client... Starting cfengine on the master server and any managed clients. This may take a few minutes....

When the configuration is completed, the wizard displays the following summary screens which direct the administrator to the main policy file, /var/opt/dsau/cfengine_master/inputs/cf.main, and the recorded answer file for this run of the wizard.

The Configuration Synchronization Wizard has completed the configuration of cfengine: - The master configuration description template is here: </csync/dsau/cfengine_master/inputs/cf.main> This default template has examples of typical configuration synchronization actions performed in a cluster. For example, synchronizing critical files such as /etc/hosts, package scripts, etc. All the actions in the template are disabled by default (commented out). Uncomment the lines corresponding to the desired synchronization actions for the cluster. See the cfengine reference documentation for a description of additional cfengine features: /opt/dsau/doc/cfengine/ Press “Enter” to continue... The cfengine environment consists of:
Master server (policy host):
Managed clients:

Note that when configuring a master server but not adding any managed clients during the server configuration, the members entry (list of managed clients), is empty, as shown in the above example.

A file containing the answers for this run of the Configuration Synchronization Wizard is stored here... /var/opt/dsau/cfengine/tmpdir/csync_wizard_input.txt This configuration can be reestablished by issuing the following command: /opt/dsau/sbin/csync_wizard \ -f /var/opt/dsau/cfengine/tmpdir/csync_wizard_input.txt

Using the Wizard to Configure a Serviceguard Cluster Synchronization Server

To configure a synchronization server for a Serviceguard cluster, there are two configuration choices:

  • Create a Serviceguard package for the configuration service to ensure high availability.

  • Configure a single member of the cluster as if it is a standalone system. The configuration synchronization service will not be highly available, and this configuration will also not work properly with the Serviceguard automation features discussed in “Serviceguard Automation Features” and is not recommended.

This section focuses on using the wizard to configure a highly available configuration synchronization service.

NOTE: Before starting the wizard, all the current cluster members should be up and running in the cluster. Make sure that this cluster’s MAX_CONFIGURED_PACKAGES value can accommodate the additional package. For more information on this setting, refer to the Managing Serviceguard manual that is part of the Serviceguard documentation set.

Start by running the Configuration Synchronization Wizard, csync_wizard(1) by issuing the following command:

# /opt/dsau/sbin/csync_wizard Querying the system local_hostname for current status, one moment... This Configuration Synchronization Wizard (csync_wizard) helps you set up the Configuration Engine (cfengine) environment. Cfengine is a powerful tool used to perform policy-based management for groups of systems and cluster environments. csync_wizard is a client/server based utility. With csync_wizard, the user can configure a standalone system or Serviceguard cluster as the cfengine “master”. The master contains the configuration description and configuration files that will be used by all the clients. Clients copy the configuration description from the master and apply it to themselves. The configuration description supports a rich set of management actions such as copying configuration files from the master to the client, performing edits to files, checking file ownerships, permissions, and checksums, executing shell commands, checking for processes, etc. For a detailed description of the cfengine management actions, please refer to the cfengine man page. The csync_wizard helps you set up this system as a cfengine master, add or remove cfengine-managed clients, and perform the required security setup.
Press “Enter” to continue...

Press Enter to continue and choose item 1 from the menu below to configure a master server:

Configuration Synchronization Wizard Menu ========================================= (1) Set up a cfengine master server (2) Add a client (3) Remove a client (4) Manage keys for cfengine clients (5) Display current configuration (9) Exit Enter choice: 1

After you choose 1 and press Enter, the wizard displays the following text:

This system is a member of a Serviceguard cluster. The cfengine configuration will be defined as a package for high availability unless you answer no to the question below. If you answer no, for the purposes of cfengine control, this machine will be treated as a single machine without failover capability for cfengine. If you accept the default answer of ‘HA’ to the question below, cfengine will be configured as a highly available Serviceguard package. This ensures that your cfengine master server is available as long as one of the cluster members that can run the package is also available. You will need a free IP address for this package and you must configure storage for the package before proceeding. For details on creating highly available file systems, please refer to the Managing Serviceguard manual. Will this master server be Highly Available (HA) [Y]:

The wizard names the package name “csync” for configuration synchronization. This specific package name is required. The LVM storage configuration and network configuration for the package must be set up before continuing or before running the wizard. All the cluster members should also be up and available. For details, refer to the Managing Serviceguard manual, under “Building an HA Cluster Configuration”, “Creating a Storage Infrastructure with LVM.”

NOTE: The wizard only supports creating packages based on LVM volume groups. When using CFS or VxVM, manual configuration is required. See the section on “Manually Configuring a Serviceguard Cluster Synchronization Server” for details on manually configuring the csync package.

The wizard prompts for the following, all of which should have already been configured:

  • LVM volume group name (for example, /dev/vgcsync)

  • Logical volume in the volume group; must be the full path name of the logical volume (for example, /dev/vgcsync/lvol1)

  • The filesystem mount point (for example, /csync)

  • The filesystem mount options (for example, -o rw,largefiles). The mount options are used verbatim in the Service package control script’s FS_MOUNT_OPT[0] field. Note that the mount options must agree with the filesystem you created on the logical volume. For example, if the filesystem was created with largefiles support, the largefiles mount option should be specified.

  • The filesystem type (for example, vxfs)

  • The package IP address. This should also be a registered DNS name so the configuration synchronization is easy to configure on client systems.

  • The package subnet. (Use netstat -i to determine the correct subnet.)

Once the storage infrastructure is configured and the IP address obtained, press return to access the default answer of ‘yes’ and proceed with creating the package. The wizard now prompts for the package information:

Configuring the csync Serviceguard package for a
highly available cfengine master.

The cfengine master server is being configured as a
HA Serviceguard Package on this cluster.

Please provide the following information for the package:

Enter the Volume group [/dev/vgcsync]: 

Enter the Logical Volume [/dev/vgcsync/lvol1]: 

Enter the Filesystem (Mount Point) [/csync]: 

Enter the Mount Options [-o rw, largefiles]:

Enter the Filesystem Type [vxfs]: 

Enter the IP address []: 

Enter the Subnet []: 

The wizard now asks if you would like to manage additional remote clients, that is, systems outside the cluster. The wizard automatically configures the current members of the cluster. This is why all members must be up and accessible when running the wizard. In the example shown below, the administrator chose ‘no’ so only cluster members are configured as clients initially.

Additional remote clients can easily be added later using the wizard. When adding members to the cluster, it is not necessary to run the wizard to specify the new members as new client systems. They are automatically configured to participate in the current cfengine configuration. Refer to “Serviceguard Automation Features” for details.

You can optionally specify additional remote clients to manage at this time. If you are running in an HA environment, you do not need to specify the cluster members. Would you like to manage clients? [N]:

The wizard now has all the data it needs to configure the cluster and proceeds to do so:

******* WARNING!!!! ******** To protect against possible corruption of sensitive configuration files, control-c has been disabled for the remainder of this configuration. Configuring the “csync” Serviceguard package. Applying the “csync” Serviceguard package configuration file. This will take a moment. Starting the “csync” Serviceguard package. This will take a few moments... The “csync” Serviceguard package has been started on local_hostname. Configuration of the cfengine master server is starting. Configuration files have been saved at: /var/opt/dsau/cfengine/backups cfengine keys are being created... cfengine keys have been created, now distributing.... Verifying that the master has an entry in the /etc/hosts file on each client... Starting cfengine on the master server and any managed clients. This may take a few minutes....

When the configuration is done, the wizard displays the following summary screens which direct the administrator to the main policy file, /mount_point/cfengine_master/inputs/cf.main, and the recorded answer file for this run of the wizard. The policy file is located on the newly configured filesystem associated with the package. In our example, the administrator chose to mount the filesystem for the package as /csync.

If the administrator had previously configured cfengine, before overwriting any existing configuration files, the wizard creates backups in the directory:


The top level files in this directory are the most recent backup files. Any configurations before that are saved in timestamped subdirectories named v_timestamp.

The Configuration Synchronization Wizard has completed the configuration of cfengine: - The master configuration description template is here: </csync/dsau/cfengine_master/inputs/cf.main> This default template has examples of typical configuration synchronization actions performed in a cluster. For example, synchronizing critical files such as /etc/hosts, package scripts, etc. All the actions in the template are disabled by default (commented out). Uncomment the lines corresponding to the desired synchronization actions for this cluster. See the cfengine reference documentation for a description of additional cfengine features: /opt/dsau/doc/cfengine/ Press “Enter” to continue... The cfengine environment consists of: Master server (policy host): package_hostname Master clients: cluster_member_1, cluster_member_2, ... A file containing the answers for this run of the Configuration Synchronization Wizard is stored here: /var/opt/dsau/cfengine/tmpdir/csync_wizard_input.txt This configuration can be reestablished by issuing the following command: /opt/dsau/sbin/csync_wizard \ -f /var/opt/dsau/cfengine/tmpdir/csync_wizard_input.txt

Cluster Configuration Notes for cfengine

This section describes the details of a high availability configuration of cfengine in a Serviceguard cluster. For more information on the role of the various cfengine daemons and commands, refer to “cfengine Daemons and Commands”. The Serviceguard package ensures that cfengine's cfservd daemon remains highly available. The cfengine configuration files update.conf and cfagent.conf define the master configuration synchronization server to be the registered DNS name for the relocatable IP address of the package. When managed clients run cfagent (see cfagent(8)), cfagent connects to cfservd on the package’s adoptive node. Thus the cluster members themselves are all managed clients. The member hosting the package additionally acts as the master server for the policy files.

When booting the cluster, each member will start a client cfservd. This is the cfservd that responds to cfrun requests. When the package starts on a member, that cfservd now has access to the filesystem of the package and becomes the master cfservd that serves the policy files to all managed clients. This cfservd is monitored by the package. If cfservd fails, the package will attempt to restart on another member. That member’s cfservd will then become the master cfservd.

Halting the package does not stop the cfservd daemon on the adoptive member since the expectation is that the daemon is present to respond to future cfrun requests. Also, unlike some other high availability services, if the csync package is down or unavailable, remote clients are not adversely impacted. The clients continue to run with their currently defined configurations. The administrator would need to make sure the package is up and running in order to distribute any new configuration instructions to the managed clients.

The wizard automates cfengine key distribution to all cluster members. For a detailed description of key distribution steps performed, refer to “Security Notes”.

Serviceguard Automation Features

The Distributed Systems Administration Utilities require Serviceguard 11.17 or later. With Serviceguard 11.17 or later, when members are added to or deleted from the cluster, the configuration synchronization tools automatically take the appropriate configuration actions. Specifically:

  • When adding a member to the cluster, the new member is automatically configured to participate in configuration synchronization. The following configuration actions occur automatically on the added member:

    1. /etc/rc.config.d/cfservd is changed to set CSYNC_CONFIGURED to 1.

    2. The appropriate cfengine public/private keys are created for the new member and placed in the member's /var/opt/dsau/cfengine/ppkeys directory. The new keys for this member are also distributed to the /var/opt/dsau/cfengine/ppkeys directories on the other cluster members.

    3. The new member’s /var/opt/dsau/cfengine/inputs directory is populated.

    4. cfservd is started on the new member.

    5. The package files are copied to /etc/cmcluster/csync/ on the new member.

    6. A cfagent synchronization run is performed on the master to populate the master’s /var/opt/dsau/cfengine/inputs directory.

    7. A cfagent synchronization run is performed on the newly added member.

    If there are any errors when performing these automated actions, messages are posted to syslog on the master server. Use cmviewcl -p csync to determine which member is currently the master server. Alternatively, if the cluster is using consolidated logging, check for messages in the consolidated syslog.

  • When deleting a member from a cluster, the public key of the deleted member is deleted from the /var/opt/dsau/cfengine/ppkeys directory cluster-wide.

  • The administrator can define cfengine groups or classes that enumerate all the members of a particular Serviceguard cluster. These class definitions are not updated automatically and the administrator must manually update the cfagent.conf and related files for cluster membership changes.

NOTE: When adding members to a cluster, consider the following:
  • When adding a member to a cluster that is configured as a highly available master server, the csync package must be running when the member is added. The add member processing task copies the configuration data from the package’s mounted filesystem to the new member’s /var/opt/dsau/cfengine directories. If the package is not running, the filesystem will not be accessible and the new member will not be properly configured. In that case, the administrator can manually configure the new member as follows:

    1. Make sure that the csync package is running. If not, start it.

    2. Log in to the member running the package.

    3. Execute the following command exactly as shown: /opt/dsau/bin/csync_dispatcher MEMBER_ADDED: member_hostname

      For example, if the new member’s unqualified hostname is newhost, use the following command:

      /opt/dsau/bin/csync_dispatcher MEMBER_ADDED: newhost

  • When adding a member to the cluster that is configured as a highly available master server, the cfengine security key of the new member is distributed cluster-wide. This enables the new member to operate as an adoptive node. If the csync package fails over to the new member, the new member will correctly handle cfagent requests from all managed clients.

    However, a cfrun executed from the new member will fail when contacting the managed clients. For cfrun to work properly, each managed client must have a copy of each cluster member’s key. (This is unlike cfagent on the managed client which needs only the key that corresponds to the IP address of the csync package.)

    For the new member to issue cfrun requests, its key must be manually created on each managed client. There are two ways to distribute the key:

    • Use the csync_wizard “Manage keys for cfengine clients” function, which regenerates keys for all systems. All managed clients must be reachable for the regeneration to complete.

    • Copy existing member keys to the new member. This approach takes advantage of the fact that the new member’s key is identical to the keys for the other cluster members. On the managed client, any of the existing cluster member’s keys can be copied to the proper name for the newly added member.

      For example,

    # cd /var/opt/dsau/cfengine/ppkeys # cp root-existing_member_IP_address.pub \ root-new_member_IP_address.pub

Using the Wizard to Configure a Synchronization Client

You can use the Configuration Synchronization Wizard to add managed clients to an existing cfengine configuration. Run the wizard on the master server, not the client system. When a Serviceguard cluster is the master server, run the wizard on the adoptive node for the csync package. When a Serviceguard cluster is configured as a highly available master server, adding new members to the cluster does not require using the wizard to configure those new members. They will be configured automatically. For more information, see “Serviceguard Automation Features”.

If the client is not a cluster member, to distribute cfengine keys securely, the client must be configured for non-interactive ssh access by the root account of the master server. The csshsetup tool (see csshsetup(1)) makes it easy to configure ssh access to a remote system. The csshsetup tool is used in the examples below.

A remote Serviceguard cluster can be configured as a managed client. However, each member must be configured individually. Repeat the configuration tasks described below for each member of the cluster.

Start by logging in as root on the master server and configure ssh access to the remote system:

# csshsetup hostname_of_managed_client

csshsetup first tests ssh access to the remote system. If it is not configured, ssh prompts for the managed client’s password.

Run the Configuration Synchronization Wizard and choose option 2 to add a new client:

 Configuration Synchronization Wizard Menu  =========================================  (1) Set up a cfengine master server  (2) Add a client  (3) Remove a client  (4) Manage keys for cfengine clients  (5) Display current configuration  (9) Exit Enter choice: 2

When prompted, enter the name of the client to add:

This option will configure additional clients to the cfengine domain. Enter the name of the client to add: new_client

The wizard then proceeds to configure the client and report on its progress:

Verifying that the master has an entry in the /etc/hosts file on each client... cfengine keys are being created... cfengine keys have been created, now distributing.... The client new_client has been added to the cfengine domain

The wizard configures each new client to run cfservd so it can respond to cfrun requests and adds the client to the master’s cfrun.hosts file.

Manual Configuration

The following sections describe the steps required to configure cfengine master configuration synchronization servers or managed clients manually. Note that it is typically easier to start by using the csync_wizard (see csync_wizard(1m)) and then modifying the resulting configuration instead of starting from scratch. This is especially true in a Serviceguard cluster where the wizard helps set up the package and takes care of propagating the correct configuration files to all members of the cluster.

When performing manual configurations, it is possible to create configurations that cannot subsequently be managed by the csync_wizard. Here are two examples:

  • The wizard requires that all managed clients have ssh configured so that cfengine’s security keys can be initially distributed or subsequently changed.

  • The wizard places all managed clients in the cfrun.hosts file. This list of managed clients is used to identify systems for operations such as regenerating cfengine’s keys on all machines. cfrun.hosts is an optional cfengine configuration file used by the cfrun command. Manual configurations need not use this file but the wizard requires it.

NOTE: You can use csshsetup to configure a trust relationship between the master server and the managed clients. This will allow you to use command fanout commands such as cexec and ccp (see cexec(1) and ccp(1)). Using these commands can simplify the configuration steps described below when files need to be distributed to managed clients.

Manually Configuring a Standalone Synchronization Server

Perform the following one-time steps to configure a standalone system as a cfengine master server:

  1. Start by creating the master copies of the cfengine configuration files. These files are placed in a well known directory and are distributed to each managed client. The default directory is /var/opt/dsau/cfengine_master/inputs, referenced in the default templates. Start by creating the directory:

    # mkdir -p /var/opt/dsau/cfengine_master/inputs

  2. Copy the default template files to the following directories:

    # cd /var/opt/dsau/cfengine_master/inputs # cp /opt/dsau/share/cfengine/templates/cf.main.template cf.main # cp /opt/dsau/share/cfengine/templates/update.conf.template update.conf # cp /opt/dsau/share/cfengine/templates/cfagent.conf.template cfagent.conf # cp /opt/dsau/share/cfengine/templates/cfrun.hosts.template cfrun.hosts # cp /opt/dsau/share/cfengine/templates/cfservd.conf.template cfservd.conf
  3. Next, edit update.conf. This file has a format similar to cfengine’s main configuration file cfagent.conf. It is used to transfer and update cfengine binaries and any updated configuration definitions files (for example, cfagent.conf) to the managed clients. It is critical to keep this file very simple and avoid errors. Errors in this file will require manually copying a new version to each managed client.

    The file contains tokens in the form <%token-name%> that are replaced by the csync_wizard with the administrator’s answers to questions. Replace the tokens as follows:

    1. Replace the <%POLICYHOST_NAME%> token with the fully qualified domain name of the master server. Note that it is critical that this be a fully qualified domain name. This file is copied to and evaluated on the managed clients. If a managed client is in a different DNS domain from the master server, the client will be unable to communicate with the master server if the hostname is not fully qualified.

    2. Note that the cfengine domain variable is set as follows:

      domain = ( ExecResult(/bin/sh -c ${dblquote}nslookup ‘hostname‘| awk ${quote}/Name:/ {print $2}${quote} | cut -d . -f 2-${dblquote}) )

      The domain variable is used by cfagent’s “resolve” action. The ExecResult command above assumes that the client’s /etc/resolve.conf and /etc/nsswitch.conf are already appropriately configured. The command expects to get a fully qualified hostname when using nslookup of the client’s own hostname. If this assumption is not appropriate for your environment, other techniques for setting the domain are possible. For example, the client’s domain could be determined based on the client’s IP address or subnet, as follows:

      classes: # host in these ip address ranges xyz_domain = ( IPRange( ) abc_domain = ( IPRange( ) control: xyz_domain:: domain = ( “xyz.example.com” ) abc_domain:: domain = ( “abc.example.com”)

      Use the cfagent -p (or --parse-only) flag to verify the syntax of update.conf.

  4. Distribute the master update.conf to each managed client. This step is described in “Configuring a Synchronization Managed Client”.

  5. Create the master server’s security keys. cfengine uses a public/private key exchange to authenticate remote clients. A public/private key pair is generated on the master server and all managed clients. The public key for each managed client is copied to the master server and from the master server to the managed clients. It is important to exchange keys securely using a tool like secure copy, (see scp(1)) or using tape or CD-ROM. Start by generating the keys for the master server:

    # /opt/dsau/sbin/cfkey

    # /var/opt/dsau/cfengine/ppkeys

    This creates the files localhost.pub and localhost.priv.

    Copy the public key to root-master_server_IP_address.pub. For example, assuming this system’s IP address is, use this command:

    # cp localhost.pub root-

    See “Configuring a Synchronization Managed Client” for details on copying the client keys to this master server.

  6. On the master server, configure the cfservd daemon to start at system startup. Edit /etc/rc.config.d/cfservd and change the line CSYNC_CONFIGURED=0 to CSYNC_CONFIGURED=1. Optionally, if you want to be able to push changes out to the managed clients using cfrun, replicate this change on all of the managed clients.

  7. cfrun requires that the managed clients be listed in the file cfrun.hosts. In the default configuration, this file is located in /var/opt/dsau/cfengine_master/inputs. Edit it and add the hostnames of each managed client, one per line. It is simplest to make sure that all the host names are fully qualified. When using fully qualified hostnames, the "domain = " line is not required and can be deleted. If using unqualified hostnames, find the line "domain = " variables and replace the token with the DNS domain of the master system. This restricts all of the unqualified clients to be members of that single domain.

  8. The file /var/opt/dsau/cfengine_master/inputs/cfagent.conf is the master policy file. The default cfagent.conf includes the default cf.main template file with examples of common synchronization actions for both standalone systems and Serviceguard clusters. cf.main contains the POLICY HOST_NAME and “domain = “ variables. Perform the same edits described in Step 3 above.

    Note that this default cf.main file performs no management actions. All the action lines are commented out. This is a starting point for creating a custom set of cfengine policies and actions for your managed clients. The cfengine reference manual that documents the syntax and all the management actions defined in this file is located in /opt/dsau/doc/cfengine. Other example cfengine configuration files that are included with the open source cfengine distribution are located in /opt/dsau/share/cfengine/examples.

  9. The file /var/opt/dsau/cfengine_master/inputs/cfservd.conf controls which managed clients have access to the files served by cfservd on the master. Make the following edits to cfservd.conf:

    • Replace the “<%CFSERVD_DOMAIN_LISTS%>“token with a comma-separated list of wildcard DNS domains or hostnames for the systems that are allowed to access this server. For example:

      domain_list       = ( “*.abc.xyz.com,*.cde.xyz.com“ )

      This statement allows all hosts in the abc.xyz.com and cde.xyz.com domains to access the master server.

      IMPORTANT: No spaces are allowed in this comma-separated list.
      Prefix each domain name with the “*.” wildcard.

      NOTE: The csync_wizard only supports specifying wildcard domain names in cfservd.conf. If you manually edit cfservd.conf and include a combination of specific hostnames or IP address and wildcard domains, then subsequent runs of csync_wizard will replace this line with a list of wildcard domains based on the list of hosts present in cfrun.hosts.
  10. On the master server, start cfservd:

    # /sbin/init.d/cfservd start

    Repeat this for each managed client.

    NOTE: cfservd.conf must be present in /var/opt/dsau/cfengine/inputs

    before executing this command.

  11. Test the configuration by performing the following steps:

    1. On a managed client, use the command:

      # cfagent --no-lock --verbose --no-splay

      The verbose output will display the client checking for updated copies of the master policy files, copying them down to /var/opt/cfengine/inputs if needed, and then executing the contents of cfagent.conf/cf.main.

    2. On the master server, test the cfrun command:

      # cfrun -- --inform

      The --inform syntax instructs the remote cfagent to use the --inform flag which will produce messages for all changes cfengine performs on the system. For additional information, the --verbose can also be helpful:

      # cfrun -v -- --verbose

      The -v instructs cfrun itself to be more verbose and the --verbose is passed on to the remote cfagent.

    For additional troubleshooting information, refer to “cfengine Troubleshooting”.

Manually Configuring a Serviceguard Cluster Synchronization Server

Configuring cfengine for high availability in a Serviceguard cluster is similar to configuring it for a standalone machine, which is described in the section “Using the Wizard to Configure a Standalone Synchronization Server”. The primary differences are the creation of the Serviceguard package and the mechanism used to distribute cfengine’s security keys. Follow all the steps described below.

  • Initial Serviceguard Package Preparation

    1. Start by obtaining an IP address for the package. This address is typically registered in DNS to simplify management of remote clients. If you are using cfengine for intra-cluster use only, it is sufficient to make sure the address is added to each member’s /etc/hosts file.

    2. Next, create the storage infrastructure required for a new package. The instructions for doing this are documented in the Managing Serviceguard manual, under “Building an HA Cluster Configuration”, “Creating a Storage Infrastructure.” For example, if using an LVM storage infrastructure, that would include the following steps:

      1. Create the LVM volume group (VG) and logical volumes (LV) (for example, /dev/vgcsync/lvol1).

      2. Exporting/importing the volume group cluster-wide.

      3. Setting up a filesystem on the logical volumes.

      4. Creating the filesystem’s mount point (for example, /csync) cluster-wide.

      The default templates assume you are using LVM-based storage. To use VxVM or other cluster-wide storage and filesystems, make the appropriate changes to the package templates described below. Also note that the Disks and Filesystems Tool (fsweb), available from the System Management Homepage, can help simplify volume group and filesystem setup.

    3. Make sure the filesystem for the package is mounted on the current member. For example, if using LVM do the following:

      # vgchange -a e /dev/vgcsync

      # mount -o rw,largefiles /dev/vgcsync/lvol1 /csync

  • Initial Policy File Customization

    1. Create a subdirectory for the master policy files and reference files. For example:

      # mkdir -p /csync/dsau/cfengine_master/master_files

      These example directories are those used by the csync_wizard.

    2. Copy the default templates into the master inputs directory:

      # cd /csync/dsau/cfengine_master/inputs # cp /opt/dsau/share/cfengine/templates/cf.main.template cf.main # cp /opt/dsau/share/cfengine/templates/update.conf.template update.conf # cp /opt/dsau/share/cfengine/templates/cfagent.conf.template cfagent.conf # cp /opt/dsau/share/cfengine/templates/cfrun.hosts.template cfrun.hosts # cp /opt/dsau/share/cfengine/templates/cfservd.conf.template cfservd.conf
    3. Edit update.conf. This file has a format similar to cfengine’s main configuration file cfagent.conf. It is used to transfer and update cfengine binaries and any updated configuration definitions files (for example, cfagent.conf) to the managed clients. It is critical to keep this file very simple and avoid errors. Errors in this file will require manually copying a new version to each managed client.

      The file contains tokens in the form <%token-name%> which are replaced by the csync_wizard with the administrator’s answers to questions. Replace the tokens as follows:

      • Replace the <%POLICYHOST_NAME%> token with the fully qualified domain name of the Serviceguard csync package. For example:

        policyhost = ( “csync.abc.xyz.com” )

      • Refer to “Manually Configuring a Standalone Synchronization Server” for a discussion on setting the cfagent domain variable, which is used by cfagent’s resolve action.

  • List Managed Clients in cfrun.hosts

    cfrun requires that all managed clients be listed in the file cfrun.hosts. Since each cluster member is considered a client, make sure each member is listed in /csync/dsau/cfengine_master/inputs/cfrun.hosts.

    Edit it and add the hostnames of each member, one per line. It is simplest to make sure that all the host names are fully qualified. When using fully qualified hostnames, the “domain =“ line is not required and can be deleted. This domain specification is concatenated on any unqualified hostnames. If using unqualified hostnames, replace the “<%DEFAULT_CLIENT_DNS_DOMAIN%>” token with the simple domain name. For example:

    domain = xyz.abc.com

    Note that the csync_wizard will always write fully qualified hostnames when adding managed clients to this file.

  • Edit the Master Policy File

    The file /var/opt/dsau/cfengine_master/inputs/cfagent.conf is the master policy file. The default cfagent.conf includes the default template cf.main which is a commented template file with examples of common synchronization actions for both standalone systems and Serviceguard clusters. Edit cf.main to replace the <%POLICYHOST_NAME%> token as described in a previous list bullet “Initial Policy File Customization.” The “domain =” declaration used by the resolve action is also discussed in the same section.

    Note that this default template performs no management actions. All the action lines are commented out. It does contain many examples specific to synchronizing files in a Serviceguard cluster. This is a starting point for creating a custom set of cfengine policies and actions for your cluster and other managed clients.

    The cfengine reference manual which documents the syntax and all the possible management actions defined in this file is located in /opt/dsau/doc/cfengine/.

    Other example cfengine configuration files which are included with the open source cfengine distribution are located in /opt/dsau/share/cfengine/examples.

  • Edit the cfservd.conf File

    The file /var/opt/dsau/cfengine_master/inputs/cfservd.conf controls which managed clients have access to the files served by cfservd on the master. Make the following edits to cfservd.conf:

    • Replace the “<%CFSERVD_DOMAIN_LIST%>” token with a comma-separated list of wildcard DNS domains or hostnames for the systems that are allowed to access this server. For example:

      domain_list       = ( “*.abc.xyz.com,*.cde.xyz.com” )

      This statement allows all hosts in the abc.xyz.com and cde.xyz.com domains to access the master server. No spaces are allowed in this comma-separated list. Each domain must be prefixed with the “*.” wildcard.

      NOTE: The csync_wizard only supports specifying wildcard domain names in cfservd.conf. If you manually edit cfservd.conf and include a combination of specific hostnames or IP address and wildcard domains, then subsequent runs of csync_wizard will replace this line with a list of wildcard domains based on the list of hosts present in cfrun.hosts.

    This example allows all hosts in the listed domains to access files on the master server.

    You can also specify lists of specific host, IP address ranges, and so on. Refer to the cfengine reference manual for additional information.

  • Distribute the Master update.conf to Each Cluster Member

    Use the following commands:

    # cd /var/opt/dsau/cfengine_master/inputs

    # ccp update.conf /var/opt/dsau/cfengine/inputs/

    cfengine itself will take care of distributing the remaining files both cluster-wide and to all managed clients.

  • Distribute the cfengine Security Keys

    Since cfengine uses a public/private key exchange model to validate the authenticity of managed clients, a key must be configured that is associated with the relocatable IP address of the package. That address is the one that remote clients see as the master server. Since any cluster member can become the adoptive node, this key must be identical across all cluster members. cfengine’s cfkey generates a public/private key pair for the current system. cfkey creates the files localhost.priv and localhost.pub.

    cfengine expects keys to be named using the following convention:


    For example,


    The administrator copies the localhost.pub key to the correct name based on the system’s IP address. For the case of a cluster, the keys for the current member are used to generate the keys cluster-wide using the following steps:

    1. Use cfkey to create the public and private key pair for this cluster member:

      # /opt/dsau/sbin/cfkey

      This will create keys named localhost.priv and localhost.pub in the directory /var/opt/dsau/cfengine/ppkeys.

    2. The public key, localhost.pub is then copied to root-package IP address.pub. For example,

      # cp localhost.pub root-

      where is the relocatable IP address of the csync package.

    3. This member’s localhost.pub is then used to create the member-specific keys for each member:

      # cp localhost.pub root-member1 IP address.pub

      # cp localhost.pub root-member2 IP address.pub

      # cp localhost.pub root-member3 IP address.pub

      # cp localhost.pub root-memberN IP address.pub

    4. Finally, all the keys are copied to each member.

      # ccp * /var/opt/dsau/cfengine/ppkeys

      NOTE: ccp, a command-fanout command, performs a cluster copy, copying a command to all cluster members.
  • Configure and start cfservd

    1. Configure the cfservd daemon to start at system startup. Edit /etc/rc.config.d/cfservd and change the line CSYNC_CONFIGURED=0 to CSYNC_CONFIGURED=1.

    2. Propagate this change cluster-wide:

      # ccp /etc/rc.config.d/cfservd /etc/rc.config.d/cfservd

    3. On the master server, start cfservd:

      # /sbin/init.d/cfservd start

    4. Repeat for the remaining cluster members. If you have configured the cluster for use with the DSAU command fanout tools, use the following command to start the daemons cluster-wide:

      # cexec /sbin/init.d/cfservd start

  • Create the csync Package

    To create the configuration synchronization package, modify the default package template files as appropriate for your Serviceguard environment. Note that the package must be called csync. Failure to do so will cause the Serviceguard automated operations to fail. For more information, refer to the section “Serviceguard Automation Features”.

    Start by making the following changes:

    1. Create the package directory cluster-wide:

      # cexec mkdir /etc/cmcluster/csync

    2. Copy the template package ASCII file and package control script to the /etc/cmcluster/csync directory on the current member:

      # cd /etc/cmcluster/csync
      # cp /opt/dsau/share/serviceguard/templates/csync.conf.template csync.conf
      # cp /dsau/share/serviceguard/templates/csync.script.template csync
      # chmod +x csync
    3. Edit the csync.conf package ASCII configuration file to replace the placeholder tokens with the appropriate values. The tokens are in the form <%token-name%>. Find the line

      and replace the token with the subnet for the csync package. Use netstat -i to help identify the subnet.

    4. Edit the package control script, and substitute appropriate values for the placeholder tokens.

      NOTE: The default script template assumes you are using an LVM-based storage configuration. If you are using VxVM or CFS, refer to the Managing Serviceguard documentation for more information on configuring packages using those technologies. You will have to comment out the LVM parts of the template described below and substitute the appropriate VxVM or CFS stanzas.

      1. Find the line "VG[0]="<%SG_PKG_VOL_GRP%>"" and replace the token with the name of the LVM volume group for the package. For example, VG[0]=“/dev/vgcsync”.

      2. Find the line "LV[0]=“<%SG_PKG_LOG_VOL%>”" and replace the token with the full name of the logical volume. For example, LV[0]=“/dev/vgcsync/lvol1”.

      3. Find the line "FS[0]=“<%SG_PKG_FS%>”" and replace the token with the name of the filesystem mount point created for this package. For example, FS[0]=“/csync”.

        Note that this mount point should have been created on each cluster member as part of the storage configuration described above.

      4. Find the line "FS_MOUNT_OPT[0]=“<%SG_PKG_MNT_OPT%>”" and replace the token with the filesystem’s mount options. For example, FS_MOUNT_OPT[0]=“-o rw,largefiles”.

      5. Find the line "FS_TYPE[0]=“<%SG_PKG_FS_TYPE%>”" and replace the token with the filesystem type. For example, FS_TYPE[0]=“vxfs”.

      6. Find the line "FS_UMOUNT_OPT[0]=“<%SG_PKG_FS_UMOUNT_OPT%>”" and replace the token with any filesystem umount options. The token can be removed and this option left blank if there are no special umount options. For example, FS_UMOUNT_OPT[0]=“”.

      7. Find the line "FS_FSCK_OPT[0]=“<%SG_PKG_FS_FSCK_OPT%>”" and replace the token with any filesystem specific fsck options. As above, the token can be deleted and this option left blank. For example, FS_FSCK_OPT[0]=“”.

      8. Find the line IP[0]=“<%SG_PKG_IP%>” and replace the token with the IP address of the csync package. For example, IP[0]= 123.456.789.3.

      9. Find the line "SUBNET[0]=“<%SG_PKG_SUBNET%>”" and replace the token with the subnet for the package’s IP address. Use netstat -i to help determine the subnet. For example, SUBNET[0]= 123.456.789.0.

    5. Distribute the package control script and package ASCII configuration files cluster-wide:

      # ccp csync csync.conf /etc/cmcluster/csync/

    6. Apply the package and start it:

      # cmapplyconf -P csync.conf
      # cmmodpkg -e csync
  • Test the csync Package Configuration

    Test the configuration by performing the following steps:

    1. On a managed client, use the command:

      # cfagent --no-lock --verbose --no-splay

      The verbose output will display the client, checking for updated copies of the master policy files, copying them into /var/opt/dsau/cfengine/inputs if needed, and then executing the contents of cfagent.conf/cf.main.

    2. On the master server, test the cfrun command:

      # cfrun -- --inform

      --inform instructs the remote cfagent to use the --inform flag which will produce messages for all changes cfengine performs on the system. For additional information, the --verbose command can also be helpful:

      # cfrun -v -- --verbose

      The -v instructs cfrun itself to be more verbose and the --verbose is passed on to the remote cfagent.

      For additional troubleshooting information, refer to “cfengine Troubleshooting”.

Configuring a Synchronization Managed Client

When manually configuring managed clients, the basic steps are:

  • Exchanging security keys. This establishes the trust relationship between the managed client and master server.

  • Copying update.conf from the master server to the managed client.

  • Setting a schedule for which cfagent will perform synchronization operations.

For a Serviceguard cluster, each member must be individually configured as a cfengine client. After configuring each member, if you add new members to the cluster, you must manually configure each new member as well. Repeat the configuration tasks described below on each cluster member.

For all other newly managed clients, start by configuring the trust relationship between the client and the master server. The master and client systems exchange security keys to authenticate each other. The master server’s public key needs to be copied to the client and the client’s public key is copied to the master server:

  1. As root, use cfkey to create the public and private key pair for this cluster member:

    # /opt/dsau/sbin/cfkey

    This creates keys named localhost.priv and localhost.pub in the directory /var/opt/dsau/cfengine/ppkeys.

  2. Copy this client’s key to the master server. The master server uses the following naming convention for the client keys: username-client_IP_address.pub.

    Using this naming convention, push the client’s public key to the master server’s ppkeys directory using the following naming convention:

    # scp localhost.pub master_server:\   /var/opt/cfengine/ppkeys/root-client_IP_address.pub

    It is important to use a utility such as secure copy (see scp(1)) when transferring the key in order to protect its integrity.

  3. Finally, copy the master server’s key to this managed client:

    # scp master_server:/var/opt/cfengine_master/ppkeys/localhost.pub ∖   root-master_IP_address.pub

  4. Next, copy the master server update.conf to the managed client:

    # mkdir -p /var/opt/dsau/cfengine/inputs
    # cd /var/opt/dsau/cfengine/inputs
    # scp master_server:/var/opt/dsau/cfengine/inputs/update.conf ./update.conf

To allow this client to accept cfrun requests, do the following:

  1. Edit /etc/rc.config.d/cfservd and set the CSYNC_CONFIGURED variable to "1" -- this will start cfservd at system boot time.

  2. Start cfservd:

    # /sbin/init.d/cfservd start

  3. Test the configuration with cfagent (see cfagent(8)):

    # cfagent --no-lock --verbose --no-splay

    The verbose output will display the client, checking for updated copies of the master policy files, copying them down to /var/opt/cfengine/inputs if needed, and then executing the contents of cfagent.conf/cf.main.

For additional troubleshooting information, refer to the section “cfengine Troubleshooting”.

Choosing a Synchronization Invocation Method

As the administrator, you can push changes out to managed clients by using the cfrun command (see cfrun(8)). cfrun contacts the cfservd daemon on each managed client and cfservd invokes cfagent which does the actual synchronization work. You can also choose to have cfagent run at intervals on the client. There are two approaches:

  • Run cfagent from a cron job.

    When running cfagent from cron, invoke it using cfexecd -F. An example crontab entry is shown below:

    0 * * * * /var/opt/dsau/cfengine/bin/cfexecd -F

    This crontab entry will cause cfagent to be run every hour.

    In this example, cfexecd (see cfexecd(8)) acts a wrapper for cfagent and collects any output and places it in /var/opt/dsau/cfengine/outputs. cfexecd can also cause mail to be sent to the administrator if specified in the cfagent.conf file. For details, refer to the cfengine reference manual in /opt/dsau/doc/cfengine.

    Note that the default cf.main has an example for automatically adding the above line to the crontab file of each managed client.

  • Run cfexecd in daemon mode.

    cfexecd has cron-like features based on cfengine’s time classes and can be used instead of cron to run cfagent. cfexecd defaults to running cfengine every hour. When first getting started with cfengine, it is probably easiest to use cron for scheduling client side synchronization. For details on using cfexecd in daemon-mode, refer to the cfengine tutorial located in /opt/dsau/doc/cfengine/.

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